Quick November Wrap-Up


     Shall we chat about November, which as months go was neither the best nor the worst. It's a funny old month, November, and if I'm honest might be my least favourite, as a rule. It's cold and damp and not quite Christmas, the days are short and the nights are long and it just makes me feel just a little bit gloomy. Also, I was unwell for pretty much the entire month so that wasn't fun. WOE IS ME. 
      Anyhow, let's get to it.

What I did:

·      The month started celebrating My Best Guy's birthday with his besties, we took them to our favourite tapas bar (LeVanter in Ramsbottom) and then for drinks. I love being around him when he is around them - there's so much history there and they all love each other so much and I've never seen a group of pals laugh like they do. It's joyous.

·     MBG had his appointment with the hematologist, just checking that that pesky leukaemia is under control. It is. Its progress is measured by his neutrophil count and whilst it was lower than it had been the time before it was still at an ok level, and we left feeling again like a weight had been lifted. I could talk about the feelings those appointments invoke but not now - perhaps another post for another day. For now: he's doing ok and that is good.

We then celebrated his birthday again with another couple of his friends. We had a curry and then back to a local bar where I drank a lot of raspberry ripple cider. It was a nice time.

·       I hung out with my friend at the new Starbucks that has opened locally. Hurrah for toffee nut lattes and chocolate cake and chatter. 

     Natalie - my mini break pal - and I headed to Liverpool. We ate at Fazenda and ate Maltesers in bed in the hotel room and shopped and visited the Christmas Market and went to a cat cafe and saw Priscilla Queen of the Desert at the theatre. It was lovely and festive and very chilled. There's something really special about a couple of days away from it all with somebody who is entirely on your level and Natalie is on mine - we always seem to be on the same page be it what shops to visit or whether to have a cocktail or if it's time to put on PJ's!
     MBG took me on a date because he's very very cute. We went to Tast in Manchester which is apparently owned by Pep Guardiola who I have a small crush on. It was divine; tapas, but fancier. Every single thing was delicious and we had a table by the window for prime people watching. Then we had a mosey round the Christmas market (MBG bought garden furniture, what even) and then we came home.
      We ended the month the way we started it, with MBG's best peeps. We were invited by one of them to attend the Plumber's Ball, and off we went. I wore a fancy frock and he wore a bow tie and we ate and drank and laughed and it was a really really smashing evening and the perfect start to the festive season.

November in 3 photos:

This cat though

Liverpool Adventures 

Manchester was pretty on date night

I read:

I listened to:

Not a lot, actually. Whoops.

I watched:

Grey's Anatomy. Still. Strictly Come Dancing, His Dark Materials, War of the Worlds, El Camino

Bookish plans for December:

Oh my December TBR is a beast. I'm on my fourth book already and have quite the mixture of romance and thriller and short story and, I might shake up my annual Little Women re-read by reading the new retelling instead. Gasp.