
Things That I Have Seen and Liked (Bookish Edition)

It’s been a while, hasn’t it, since I did one of these posts. Not because there hasn’t been anything that I have seen and/or liked but because I’ve just been a bit rubbish about doing anything about posting about it. 
I want, though, to be better at this whole blogging thing and also to have a little more variety to my posts than just I READ A BOOK and so here we are, a list of (bookish, obvs) things that I have seen and liked recently. If I can organise my life a little I might even do this on the regular, please though, don;t hold your breath because by even saying that I might be setting myself up to fail. Ha.


Look at these blankets from SweetSequels. I am lusting after one SO HARD. She does all the illustrations herself and you can choose which ones you want on the blanket and have it backed with FAUX FUR and I want one so very very badly. Are they not the loveliest things you ever did see? So snuggly and bookish and perfect.

These candles from Flick the Wick are everything. I want this Ketterdam one and also this Stars Hollow one so my house smells like I am friends with the Gilmores and get my coffee from Luke’s.

These prints from IdealBookshelf are cute, aren’t they?!

Always Yoshi bags all the time. I discovered Yoshi bags in the Bodleian Library giftshop last Easter and fell immediately in love. I have the cream and brown coin purses already and also the brown shoulder bag but I really want this cream grab bag because how cute in the summer? And also the tan crossbody please and thank-you.

How excellent is this car sticker though from Bookfiend? I would find myself hilarious if I had this on my car. 

And that, for now, is that. Excellent bookish goods are excellent. If I only I had limitless disposable income....