
Quick January Wrap-Up

January. AKA the month that feels like it lasts for a year. January, I think, is tied with November as always being the month of the year I like the least. 

That said, I did try to make some fun memories to start a new decade.

What I did:

·      The month began in France. We were a little hungover on the 1st so we didn't ski and instead headed over to Chamonix for Italian food and a mooch. From Saint Gervais we headed home via Paris where we went to Shakespeare and Co and then mooched around pretty Parisian back streets. We looked at the Pantheon and the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre and we had lunch at Le Coupole which was featured in Fred Siriex's BBC show and we nipped in and out of little bars all day drinking cold beer and Aperol Spritz. It was all kinds of perfect; Paris is my favourite. 

Then we came home and I got sick with a horrible chest infection / virus which knocked me off my feet. I spent my time off work binge watching on Amazon Prime shows and feeling sad.

I    I spent a fair bit of time with my pals, catching up over food or coffee or bad tv shows. 

·       I had my little best pal over for a sleepover to celebrate her turning 10. We ate fish and chips and Pick'n'Mix and watched the Lindsay Lohan version of The Parent Trap.

     I went with Helen and our Mother's to watch a production of Gypsy which was a lovely lovely time.


January in 3 photos:

Can you even believe I took this photo. I cannot.

Sunday walks with my fave. To  pub, obvs. 

Sick day selfies. With a cat.

I read:
I read so much in January. I can't remember the last month I read this many books. 

I listened to:

The audio book of Big Sky by Kate Atkinson

I watched:

All the things. The new seasons of Mrs Maisel and New Amsterdam, both from my sick bed, and then I rewatched seasons 5 and 6 of Gilmore Girls because I put them on in my sickness haze and fell into a Logan hole, and I started season 5 of How to Get Away With Murder

Bookish plans for February:

I'm going to set myself a target every month this year. For Feb I've picked a pile of books off my shelf. This pile, actually. I hope to read them all, plus there's a book I'm buddy-reading on Instagram. And. AND. I want to at least start the audio of Anna Karenina.