it has to be the Harry Potter series. These books are a part of me, I don’t even know how to express what they mean to me. I think I possibly love them a little too much. The characters are my friends; my family and I know the books almost by heart. Iwas 14 when the first book was released, although I didn’t actually start reading this POA was released when I was 16. I remember reading books 1 and 2 in a weekend and then bugging my brother to read book 3 faster so I could get my hands on it. I read that one in an evening and then went right back to book one and started again. I’ve read the whole series countless times since then – in the summer of 2005 I read Half Blood Prince 5 times. The Harry Potter books make me laugh, they make me cry, they are my comfort reads and now I know it’s all over I feel a little bit lost.