Quick April Wrap Up

Well. This bank holiday weekend has just been brill and marv. There are no words to express quite how much I love it when the sun is shining.

However, I am not here to talk about that today. I am here to talk about April.

April was, thank goodness, significantly better than March and February. That is because, in part, it would have been hard for it to have been as bad and in part because I spent the first half of it in the French Alps, which was amazing.

The thing was, that things had been less than stellar in the preceding weeks and so when we got some news which was good and not bad, we just thought fuck it and we booked a ferry crossing.

Best. Decision. Ever.

What have I been doing:

We drove to the Alps via Annecy – that was a flying visit sadly as we’d been on the road for SO LONG but, we did find time to stop off at the Salomon pro shop (hello new coat) and then headed up to the mountains where we spent Easter weekend at our friends apartment in Bourg St Maurice.

We skied Val D’Isere and Tignes from there which was fabulous – spring skiing is my fave, when it’s cold enough to freeze overnight and then is beautiful all day and it’s a new place for me also which was fab. It’s My Best Guys favourite; he did a season there a few years ago so he knows it so well and it was excellent going to all his old haunts and sking his favourite runs.
We also did lots of walking, spent 23 euros on a piece of cheese and drank more wine than was probably appropriate. It was my favourite Easter since ever.

On the Tuesday after Easter we loaded the car back up again and headed down to his apartment in Saint Gervais for more of the same, but better because being there is like being at home and as such is just easy. I love being there just so so much – we skied at Saint Gervais and Chamonix, did more walking, ate more cheese and drank more wine and caught up with some friends, which was, obviously, most excellent. We relaxed and we talked and we laughed and it was just…it was amazing; like being in a little French bubble where none of the real life shit was even happening. I could have stayed forever, but alas real life called and after two blissful weeks we booked a ferry and loaded up the car again to head back to reality, talking the whole way about what our next adventure might be.

I can’t speak for him but I needed that trip and I’m so glad we went.

The rest of the month has also been lovely – I saw Pasha from off of actual Strictly dance at our local theatre which was a nice time and I spent some quality time with my Mum and my Dad and my Granny.

My bestie and our Mothers had a gin and DVD date which was excellent and My Best Guy and I went out for a huge roast dinner in the quirkiest little pub you ever did see.

I spent some time with Molly which is always so delightful, and Helen and I had a grown up hot chocolate date which was hilarious because there is nothing quite like laughing with your best friend.

My bro turned 30 this April and came home for a few days – he lives in Cheltenham – and we (him and me and our parents) went out for dinner. I ate seabass and drank rose wine and life, it was pretty good.

And then the end of the month was my birthday weekend: I hung out with my pal Jane on the Friday before  – she spoilt me rotten with a massage and a makeover and cocktails and we ate curry and tried to do The Floss and it was marv – and on the Saturday her mother-in-law made me birthday lunch which was, as ever, the loveliest of times.
On Sunday MBG picked me up and we headed out for for Thai food QUELLE SURPRISE because when is there a month where we do not go for Thai food.  We headed to Harrogate for a change and ate at Sukothai and it was excellent: excellent food, an excellent drive into the sunset and gorgeous company. I loved it.
My birthday was Monday 30th and whilst I had no actual plans, I didn’t go to work, had a cup of tea in bed in bed and then spent the day eating and shopping with my Mum and the evening eating tartiflette with my dude. Perf.  

Goodbye 34, hello 35.

April in 3 photos:

There aren't that many photos of me skiing because I'm usually the one with the camera out, but here I am living my best life. 

We had summer. This was it. One day of glorious glorious sunshine before eternal winter returned for a few more days. I took this at about 8pm on the patio and can you even believe the sky was still this blue?

When you get a makeover and end up looking like a waxwork of yourself

I read:

I’ve reviewed The Leavers already, here, and will be talking about the other 2 in my next Quickfire Reviews post, but all three of these are so good. So different to each other, but so good.

I am still not out of my reading slump- three books in a month is just shocking; I’m on my 4th book for May already  so I must be feeling a little more like I want to read at the moment – here’s to getting back on it in May because honestly, I am getting so behind. I might stick my reading list for May at the end of this post actually. That could be a new thing.

I listened to:

We listened to his iPad on the drive through France. The playlist we kept going back to was supposed to be 90’s but it was all The Beatles and T-Rex and Billy Idol which is…not so 90’s at all. It was, however, excellent. There was also lots of Kylie. Kylie is excellent road trip accompaniment. 

I’ve also been listening lots to George Ezra’s new album, which I love – mostly because there are songs on there that feel like they are about my life and I always love that, listening to songs and just being all YES THAT IS CORRECT AND ABOUT ME.

I watched:

Not much, actually, apart from Brothers and Sisters. We watched Taken on holiday and Sherlock Holmes with RDJ

THERE WAS THE QUEEN AND DAVID ATTENBOROUGH DOCUMENTARY BE STILL MY HEART but that’s about it really. I’ve just been binge-watching that show I’ve seen a million time already. Ha. I did start watching The Good Place though, so be prepared for me talking about that probably in my May wrap up.

And that is April and honestly, I could have talked SO MUCH MORE about my trip but a: wrap up and b: ain’t nobody out there that cares.

Bookish plans for May:

I’m partway through Alice Oseman’s I Was Born For This which I’m really liking, and then I have ARCs for The Smoke Thieves, The Craftsman, New Boy, Eve of Man and Bookish Boyfriends that I really need to read before the month is out. I also really want to read The Gloaming (so excited for that you have no idea), Strange the Dreamer, All The Crooked Saints and The Talented Mr. Ripley (Christmas present from my parents) so you know, I have high expectations of myself considering I only managed 3 books in the whole of April but we shall see.