In Which I Got a New Kindle

HAPPY BELATED NEW YEAR.  Wow I am already so far behind the times but worry not!! I am going to be ALL ABOUT THE BLOGGING this year. By which I mean I will probably blog like crazy for a few weeks and then go back to my usual failings but whatever – the intention is there. Anyhow. I’m going to talk at you a little bit about the back end of last year and the start of this one, and maybe a little bit about what I hope my 2018 might look like. A little bit of a catch-up if you will.

So. WHAT NEWS. Christmas was lovely. I spent it with my favourites: my best friend and my family and it was full of fun times and giggles and then I went on holiday on Boxing Day for just over a week. I did the same a couple of years sgo and I really am such a fan of it because that week between Christmas and New Year is always such a weird week and I’m not a fan of New Year’s Eve as a thing anyway so getting away from it all nad having some QT in the mountains is the absolute best for me. I had a horrible early morning flight which was not my favourite at all – so not a morning person - but which gave me the chance to get to know the Christmas present I got myself because, drumroll please, I used part of my Christmas bonus (which probs I should have put to one side for when I have to pay my tax bill at the end of this month but whatever you only live once) to BUY A NEW KINDLE. #successfulmoneymanagement

I won’t lie: this felt like a necessity more than a treat truth be told (holy first world problems, batman, I know) because I didn’t really want a new Kindle. I love my trusty Kindle Keyboard with all my bookish heart but it’s absolutely on its last legs. Every time I use it I am on tenterhooks expecting it to die and it felt like it made sense to buy a new one whilst I had the cash (and my best guy has been on at me to get one ever since it out and out refused  to work when we were on holiday in the summer and who can blame him because who wants to be stuck in a foreign country with a me with nothing to read? NOBODY. He was probably dreading what this ski trip would look like if it happened again and I had no reading material) and so I used Christmas as an excuse and I ordered me a Paperwhite.
I love it, actually. I even loaded some books to it all on my own, which was easier than I expected it to be actually because wow I am a technophobe but magically it came linked to my Amazon account and all the books were there just waiting to be downloaded and it was so easy. We’re just getting to know each other but so far it’s going well. I think we’re going to be just fine. Welcome to my world, Paperwhite.

So there was the new Kindle and the ski trip and a New Year road trip and generally a rather lovely end to 2017 and a delicious start t 2018, even though my holiday didn’t involve as much reading as I thought it might. Funny how I always forget that in between hurtling down the mountain and drinking vin chaud there’s not much time for curling up with a book. I still managed 63 books last year though *self five* and in December, as well as my annual read of Little Women (I am all about my own little traditions) I also finished The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue which is so perfectly up my street you don’t even know. I loved it.  L O V E D I T. If you’re looking for a book that is just easy to read and the most fun ever then this could be it folks. Go forth and get involved. I also Christmas book-ed it up in December with Nina Stibbe’s An Almost Perfect Christmas which is like a little pocket sized festive edition of Love, Nina and which made me laugh out loud in recognition, and a short story collection of cute little YA stories from a bunch of authors I already knew. It was cute and perfectly festive. Oh and Rachel Joyce’s A Snow Garden – another short story collection. I am loving those at the moment. I love Rachel Joyce’s writing but I’m not going to lie, she hurts my soul.

There’s  a lot I want to read this year; my TBR is ridic, and I’m planning to do a much better split of ARCS and books I’ve bought/own because sometimes I suck at that. I mean, can you believe I haven’t read The Book of Dust yet? I KNOW and I might come back and talk about my proposed 2018 in books a bit later, we’ll see. I’m definitely going to be back in a few days with a list of some books published this year that I have grabby hands for. WATCH THIS SPACE. Right now I’m reading the new novel from Joanna Cannon, she of the gorgeous The Trouble With Goats and Sheep. It’s called Three Things About Elsie, it’s a story told by 84 year old Florence who is living in sheltered accommodation with her BFF Elsie, and it’s out tomorrow. It’s gorgeous and I feel like its going to make me feel things in the same way that Goats and Sheep did (read that book, if you haven’t already, it’s a gem) and not only because my Granny is also in her eighties and also called Florence. I shall hopefully finish it in the next couple of days and come back to chat about it properly. After that I think I’m going to read The Essex Serpent because it’s the book club book for a book club that I’ve been trying to join bit a: their meetings keep clashing with other things and b: I am scared of people I don’t know. If I read the book though, I’m partway there, right?!

As for the year in general, I want 2018 to be a year. A year in which I am actual honest to God content, for the most part. I don’t want anything super exciting, I just want to read the books and see the places and be around the people.

I want contentment. That’s the aim.

I’ve never been one for resolutions because wow HOW MUCH PRESSURE although I won’t lie: I, like most people start the year all ‘I will drink more water and do more exercise and stop eating so many fries’ and I do hope to do all that, but more than that I honestly genuinely just want to do the things that make me feel like me, with the people that make me feel like me. I think that’s a pretty good place to start. I started the year pretty well, in a bar in Germany with My Best Guy and I have theatre trips and weekends away and coffee dates a plenty with all my faves already planned; I have tentative holiday outlines which I hope will begin to take shape soon, and a day pencilled in with Helen in which we may very well do absolutely nothing. I’m excited for 2018, in a way I haven’t been excited about a new year in a while. Bring it on.