Quick October Wrap-Up

I haven't done one of these posts for a while. I'm not going to go all the way back and recap my August and September now because ain't nobody got time for that, but I am going to chat a little bit about my October because I actually really like these little look backs and I am so determined to up my blogger game somewhat because I have been so very sucky.


What I did:

·      My boyfriend and I went on a little mid-week mini break to Liverpool. We stopped in a lovely hotel and went to see Bradley Wiggins chat about all things cycling which was actually really excellent. I had expected to sit there feeling a little bored and mostly just enjoying hi enjoying it but actually it was a really great night. We had some beers in Beatles themed bars and went to look at Albert Dock and the Liver Birds and it was most excellent. 

I took my little best pal to see the local youth theatre production of Cats with my Mum and my bestie which was really excellent. So much love for that show and she really loved it which was smashing. We had a sleepover and she got in her Tango and Cash time - kid loves my cats.

·       MBG and I headed to France for a long weekend. I got drunker than I should have, we celebrated the wedding of some good friends and we hung out at the Fete Agricole, or, as the locals call it cow shit weekend which is when all the mountain cows are brought down from the mountains for winter. There are cows all over town and market stalls and street food and beer and it was a smasher of a day. Somehow we ended up in the show ring which was unfortunate. Ha. We had the best time. Then we spent a day in Geneva in the pouring rain which basically meant sitting under the canopy of a bar wrapped in blankets and drinking hot drinks. We know how to live.

·         I finally saw my friend who had a birthday in September. We ate soup and drank prosecco and watched the weirdest film with my second oldest Godkid. 

 Went and got my nails did by my nail guy who also does the nails for Motsi off Strictly - he's a celeb now. I am proud. I'd show you a photo but my nails were a mess last time so I just went for a really plain nude colour so as not to draw attention to them; they were not photo worthy.

 My bestie and I went with our Mothers to see Lee Mead. It was a bit like the Bradley thing but with singing and a really odd interview set up. I prefer Lee when he's on stage alone being himself but still - it was nice to all be out together and I still love listening to him sing. And there was gin.

 MBG and I had Thai food. Obvs. Am I even recapping my month if my boyfriend and I haven't eaten Thai food?

 Helen brought Molly and Leah over for a visit - see I should have done an August recap because you don't even know who Leah is. My bestie had another baby in August, Molly is now a big sister and I am looking forward to getting to know this new tiny version of my bestest friend. She's cute.

 I    It was MBG's birthday which is such an excellent day as I am v glad he was born. I took him out for dinner and we had a lovely lovely evening full of crumble and custard and laughing at nothing.

Natalie and I had another Trafford Centre meetup which was super nice. We had a burrito, obvs, and then spent ages looking at coats and shoes and I drove home wishing I'd made a purchase. 


October in 3 photos:

Obligatory Tango and Cash photo
Cutest cows ever at the Fete Agricole

Liverpool was rainy. We didn't care. Much. 

I read:

I listened to:

I finished Becoming by Michelle Obama and started Big Sky by Kate Atkinson

I watched:

Grey's Anatomy. Send help. I am stuck in a Grey's hole and I don't know how to get out and wow but it's so full of all the emotional turmoil. 

Bookish plans for November:

I have ARCs of Lie With Me and The Glass Hotel that I really want to get to, and other than that I do not know. The Glass Hotel is the new book from Emily St. John Mandel and I'm really looking forward to it. I've read Wayward Son already and just started the new Leigh Bardugo, Ninth House so I seem to be all about the new releases right now. I need to choose something for my off my bookshelf book but who knows what that might be....