2018 Best Reads

Fun times fun times fun times. IT feels fitting somehow that my very first post of 2019 should be a list of all my 5 star reads of 2018. I' so late though, I know; we're 8 days in already but in my defence I've been up a mountain in the French Alps and blogging is harder there because of the altitude and stuff. Or is because I choose vin chaud and alpine bars over the internet? WHO KNOWS.


I gave 14 books 5 stars in 2018 which is excellent excellent news and points to it having been a very good reading year. Also only two of those were rereads so hurrah for me making excellent bookish choices.

The list looks like this:

 which I reread so that I could watch the film which I haven't watched yet because Helen and I are SO RUBBISh.

 was the other reread because Kate Atkinson had a new book out last year and I was impatient

 was the new novel from Patrick Gale, published in the summer. It stole a little piece of my heart if i'm honest. I loved it so so much, but then I knew I would; Patrick Gale is an autoread author for me.

is just a delight and I feel like it needs to be on the bookshelf of every girl everywhere no matter how old she is.

is a really really lovely read, it's moving but also funny and hopeful and I am not at all shy about recommending it.

is the new Kate Atkinson I mentioned above. I LOVED IT. Again, I would read Kate Atkinson's shopping list if she chose to publish it and this book ticked all my boxes. I think as soon as I finished it I thrust my copy at my Granny - some books just need to be read by all the people, you know?

 I still remember reading this last January. I gave a copy to my brother also because A HEIST ON THE MOON, people.

Vicious made me so happy and I cannot believe it took me so long to read it because it's everything I love in a book. So excited to read book 2.

and I know Jen is a pal of mine but if you like picture books and you aren't following her Franklin series then you need to think about your choices. These books are a delight.

Illuminae blew my mind - I was so worried about it and I ended up loving it so hard and we need more books that go outside of the lines like this one does - such clever formatting; it really is a work of art.

is the book I have not stopped talking about ALL YEAR. If I had to pick a book for the whole year then this would be it. I cannot tell you what it meant to me and how much I want everybody to read.

was the new Sarah Pinborough. LOVED IT. Sarah's work is always so clever and so different and this was SUCH A PAGE TURNER.

is the sequel to Sirens which I also loved. Crime fiction at its very very best.

 be still my fairytale loving heart.