Quick March Wrap-Up

March. We’re a quarter of the way into 2018 and so far I don’t love it.

I absolutely definitely spoke too soon back in January when I was all YEAH 2018 because let me tell you a thing – so far this year has sucked. Still, it does not do to dwell on these things does it, and in amongst the days when I just wanted to curl up in bed and cuddle and pretend life wasn’t happening, I still squeezed in a fair amount of smile-worthy adventures. 

Mostly they were theatrical adventures. March was a good month for the theatre. 
We (we being my bestie and our respective Mothers) saw a local production of The Hound of the Baskervilles which I won’t lie, I had to drag myself out of the house to go and watch and which ended up making my sides hurt because WOW it’s funny. 
We also saw Matthew Bourne’s Cinderella which was lush and then we tottled off to see Lee Mead in concert because actually you cannot even imagine the amount of love Helen has for that curly haired singing pretend nurse. 

One Sunday we swapped my Mum for Helen’s little girl (who is one of the biggest joys of my life FYI) and we got up super early on a Sunday morning and went to see Peppa Pig Live and one night I dropped my Mum and Helen’s Mum dropped her daughter and the two of us went to see Spamalot (I say dropped: my Mum was busy and Helen was working backstage, we’re not mean). 

So you know, ALL THE THEATRE. More theatre trips than there were weeks of the month in fact. I love it.
I caught up with my bestie for some one on one grown up time which, well the town I live in has a row of cute coffee shops/bars, all of which are pretty fabulous and none of which are open on a Tuesday. WHAT IS THAT ABOUT?! We ended up drinking hot chocolate in Wetherspoons which was fine because it’s the people not the place etc and the hot chocolate was one of those stirry things but still, all the nice places and not one of them available to us. Le sigh.

I saw my pal Natalie for burgers and gossip which is always the nicest of times.
There was also a lot of time on my best guys sofa chilling out and chatting and watching The Grand Tour on Amazon, and Thai food – obviously we went out for Thai food (and Sunday lunch also ALL THE YORKSHIE PUDS)
 I’m glad to see the back of it; as months of this year go, I think, that for one reason or another, it’s not been the best, although we hit the road on the 28th and as I post this I am hanging out in the Alps with a vin chaud so you know, the month definitely ended better than it started.

March in 3 photos:

Lazy days and reading. Not as much reading as I would have liked, but still: some. Also, this book is excellent. Also also, the patchwork quilt I am snuggled under is one of many made by my Mum who is the cleverest ever.

Meet Rupert, the flower shop dog. If I didn't want a sausage dog before then I do now. LOOK AT HIM. 

This is my (God)Mother's Day present from my little teaspoon and is a daily round my neck reminder that not only do I refuse to sink, but that my people are the very best people. I mean seriously, you might think your best friend is better than mine but I'm sorry: you're wrong. 

I read:

I have been in such a biggest slump, it’s making me VERY SAD.

I listened to:

Lots of Apple Music old pop playlists. Ha. And T Swift’s 1989 album

I watched:

Still not finished Breaking Bad. Whoops. I carried on with my Brothers and Sisters rewatch and have also been watching Arrow and Homeland and my best guy and I have been all about The Grand Tour because it makes him laugh,  and a documentary series about Death Row which made me feel all the things.

And that is March in a heavily edited nutshell. April is my birthday month, and also we’re on holiday RIGHT NOW so I have high hopes for this month. Here’s to it being the start of a better time!