
35 Facts About A 35 Year Old

Apparently I’m middle-aged now. So I’ve been told. Which, well it seems like a pretty harsh thing to tell me but I guess that makes it no less true. The truth hurts and all that. Anyhow, let’s celebrate my middle-agedom with a list of things about me that you may or may not be aware of.

Also, here I am in Monaco last summer when I was still youthful. 


Blog Tour: The Leavers

I am a little bit in love with The Leavers, the debut novel from Lisa Ko. Seriously, a little bit in love. This book has wriggled under my skin and stopped there. I couldn’t stop reading it, and when I had to, I could think of little else but getting back to it. It’s quiet this book, quiet but wow so powerful and I am super excited to tell you all about it today so MAKE YOURSELF COMFORTABLE.

Things That I Have Seen and Liked: Cacti!!

It’s that time again, whereby I browse the internet and add a load of things to my virtual shopping basket and pretend I have more disposable income than I actually do. Which, actually, is one of my favourite things to do. Also, I’ve been on holiday for the first part of April and read not as much as I would like due to the high levels of activity that were part and parcel of said holiday and as such this blog has taken a little bit of a backseat. Fret not though as there is LOTS of bookish stuff on the horizon and until then here’s a fun fact about me: I’m a bit of a crazy cactus lady at the moment I won’t lie. I cannot stop buying them. I have cacti on my desk at work and in my house and I’ve bought them as gifts for My Best Guy and I just love their little prickly selves and you know what, the internet is FULL of cactus related goodies that you (I) can fill your (my) house with and here is a list of my faves.


Quick March Wrap-Up

March. We’re a quarter of the way into 2018 and so far I don’t love it.

I absolutely definitely spoke too soon back in January when I was all YEAH 2018 because let me tell you a thing – so far this year has sucked. Still, it does not do to dwell on these things does it, and in amongst the days when I just wanted to curl up in bed and cuddle and pretend life wasn’t happening, I still squeezed in a fair amount of smile-worthy adventures.