2017 Best Reads

Let’s talk very quickly about all the books I gave 5 stars to in 2017 because YES and also because if you discount Handmaid’s which was a re-re-re-re-read, there were 10 of them which is a nice number for a round-up and also points to A Good Reading Year.

I’m going to keep this post pocket sized but shall also link back to where I’ve chatted about them previously so that I am not repeating myself. Mostly all you need to know is that THESE BOOKS ARE EXCELLENT.

Here we go.

If you like lush lush lush writing with an excellent exploration of family dynamics and parental love along with spot on characterisation then probably this book is for you. I actually can’t believe it took me quite so long to read.

All the historical fiction all the time please and this is incredibly well researched and such a gripping read. I want to live in this book; I want to read it again. It’s a cinematic experience of a novel and it’s brilliant. I talk about it here.

The Gigantic Beard that was Evil – Stephen Collins because picture books are not just for children y’all and this, which I got as a birthday gift, is gorgeous. 

Holy and also Moly there are not enough words for how much I loved this book and I didn’t read all that much contemporary fiction this year so I’m super glad this was as good as it was. It really stood out for me and it deserves ALL the praise it gets.

 I mean I talked at everybody Iknew about this book for ages because if you can suspend your belief for a while which is so not a problem for me, this is such a good read. Loved it.

Always stunning all the time. I mean Jon McGregor, guys. This isn’t as good as If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things which I would give a million stars, but it’s still SO SO GOOD. I talked about it a little in my August wrap-up.

In which John Green proves he’s still got it. I think this #ownvoices novel might be his best and I go into my reasons why very quickly in this post. 

Bookish dragons and pretty illustrations. This book has them.

 #WTFthatending. Seriously. #WTFthatending. I loved this tense intense book. 

Come at me, talk at me: what are the best books you red in 2017 – I always want all the book recs. 

Also, please know that these are not the only good books I read this year. I read some incredible amazing books and I'm actually totally rethinking how to go about the whole ratings thing next year o the back of that and really, you should look at all the 4 stars on my Goodreads shelf also because there are some gems. I'm tight with that fifth star, and I don't use it unless I just simply cannot. The 4 stars though: amazing books.