My Spring TBR

There’s this feature hosted over at The Artsy Reader Girl called Top Ten Tuesday where by a prompt is posted every Tuesday to blog about and I think it’s excellent and I take part in it VERY SPORADICALLY (because actually I’m a little bit rubbish). Anyhow, the prompt this week is Top Ten Books on My Spring TBR and I thought YES, I have a spring TBR and I am in need of blog inspiration and I’M GETTING INVOLVED.

I don’t have a particular reading mojo for the spring (I don’t have a reading mojo at all right now HELP ME), it’s not like winter, or summer when there are books I yearn to re-read or genres I feel weirdly drawn to, but I do, as it happens have a small list of books that I would like to read before my birthday at the end of April and this is that list.

The Travelling Cat Chronicles – I’m halfway through this and I do really like it – it’s pretty and clever and it’s about a cat in Japan so what’s not to love, but somehow I’ve just not been in the right headspace for it. I’m determined to finish it in the next couple of weeks though.

I’ve wanted to read Station Eleven for ages but never seem to get around to it so I’m making a statement here and now and also a concentrated effort: I will read this book. Mostly it sounds like everything I love in a book - Shakespeare and theatre and a bit of dystopia.

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society – this will be a reread of a book I love, just because the film is out soon and I want it to be fresh in my head before we go.

These are all ARCS out in the next few weeks (apart from The Poet X which was out last week I think) and they all sound excellent. I am ridic excited for The Gloaming especially although the other 3 sound good also and The Lido is getting lots of hype…

I bought Strange the Dreamer because it is all over the ‘gram and has been for ages and frankly I think it sounds excellent and I find myself wanting to read it and so here it is, bumped up the list.

Kids Like Us is one that I bought earlier this year and I keep seeing on my Kindle and thinking oh yes I want to read that and so I’ve decided April is the month.

The Serpent King because WOW how have I not read this already. I’ve had it for so long and I do love me some contemporary YA....

AND THAT IS THE LIST. Please don't check back with me to see how many I actually read because that might be embarrassing....