Books I am looking forward to for the rest of this year...

...even though my TBR is already the size of Everest and my bookshelves are full. A list by me.

Basically guys, I am in a reading slump and it’s making me sad. Seriously, up until yesterday I think I’d read about ten pages in as many days and I hate when this happens to me and I have decided to try and get myself out of it by making a list, thanks to the notes on my phone, of the books I am excited about for the latter part of this year. Also because this list is generated from said phone notes me of which are months old, a couple of these books are OUT NOW GO GET THEM.

Jeffrey Euginides who wrote The Virgin Suicides a short story collection out at the start of October. It sounds like it could be pretty good. It’s called Fresh Complaint and according to the blurb promises to follow in the footsteps of his novels by looking at crises of adolescence, sexual identity, self-discovery and family love. Yes. Those are my boxes being ticked right there thanks Jeffrey, also I liked The Virgin Suicides a whole lot and have been meaning to read more of his work so this could be my excuse. I don’t read many short story collections, and then after a massive gap I’ll read one and remember that actually I totally love the dip in and out-ability of them and want to READ THEM ALL so I’ll check this out, I think. In real life not on Kindle. Somehow short stories feel much more accessible as actual books.  I wonder why that is. I mean for obvious reasons (SO HEAVY) longer novels are made for Kindle, but somehow the short story collection feels like it loses something when it’s an ebook and yes these are the things I ponder.

Speaking of short stories, Tom Hanks has a short story collection out now, and you know what it sounds really good. Whimsical, melancholy and linked, apparently. I am interested.

 Also The Beginning of the World in the Middle of the Night which I talked about right here on this blog last week, so you know, if new and glorious fairytales are your thing and you want to see what I thought about it, you should go and check out my review. The book is OUT NEXT WEEK. Woop. YOU WILL LOVE IT.

Another one which actually came out at the start of October - and maybe I should have done this post in chronological order but whatever my notes are not chronological and thus neither am I- is 27 Hours by Tristina Wright which would suggest my unexpected love for the weird and fantastical and magical and paranormal isn’t going anywhere any time soon – in a nutshell a boy who loves monsters and a boy who kills monsters. They fall in love. I AM SO HERE FOR THIS BOOK ALREADY. Gimme.

Dear Martin – October again, last week actually I think – is about an Ivy League bound student who writes a journal to Martin Luthor King Jr. It promises to tackle American race relations in a way that gets under your skin and I’m really interested to read it.

The Wicker King by K Ancrum is another October release- the 31st-  and it sounds incredible. I’m so excited for it. It’s about two boys - August and Jack. August is a bit of a misfit and Jack’s on the football team but they’ve been best friends for all of time and then Jack starts having hallucinations, really vivid hallucinations that lead him, and August, into a very real seeming fantasy world. It’s described as vivid micro-fiction with a stream of consciousness feel and multimedia elements and just YES. Also, that cover.

Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow is a children’s book by Jessica Townsend and it’s published this month also. It sounds SO GOOD, all mysterious and magical and could be gifted this Christmas if it’s as good as it sounds and if I manage to read it in time. Which is unlikely given the aforementioned slump. But I shall try.

Jennifer Egan who wrote A Visit from the Goon Squad has a new novel out now. Manhattan Beach sounds amazing. I loved A Visit from the Goon Squad and I’m really excited to get stuck into this.

Little Fires Everywhere is the new novel by Celeste Ng.  It’s out in November. I’m reading it right now which makes me even sadder about the slump because so far I really love Ng’s style. It’s a super pretty book and it sounds incredible and I’m loving it . I’m on the blog tour for this one, so keep your eyes peeled for my review in early November.

Nina Stibbe has a Christmas book out in November which I have already got on pre-order because Nina is absolutely an auto buy author for me. It’s non-fiction, and it’s about Christmas traditions and in my head it’s going to be kind of like a festive Love, Nina and it’s going to be my festive book of the season I think. Can’t wait.

La Belle Sauvage. Obviously. OBVIOUSLY. I have been waiting for The Book of Dust for my whole adult life. I’ve promised myself it will be my next read when I’ve finished the 2 books I’m reading now but actually I’m a little bit scared partly because you don’t even know how much I’ve built this book up in my head and partly because let’s not lie here: His Dark Materials broke me. Am I ready for that to happen again? Unlikely.

All the Crooked Saints. I am new to Maggie Stiefvater. I’ve only read one of her books so far, but I liked it a whole lot and this new one sounds all kinds of incredible. More magical realism yes please thank-you very much, in the shape of a family that can perform miracles. I WANT IT. (I actually have it but hush don’t tell anybody)

I have an ARC of 36 Questions That Changed My Mind About You which was published this month which I love mostly because the cover is cute and covered in text. Give me all the meet-cutes too also, because sometimes that’s just what the soul needs. It sounds like lots of fun and I’m looking forward to it.

Let’s put a thriller on here shall we because I a thriller. The Innocent Wife is out in December and is about an English woman who falls in love with a man on Death Row. He’s the subject of a true life documentary about wrongful imprisonment but is he all he seems? It sounds good and I do love me a good thriller….

Artemis is the second novel by Andy Weir. I haven’t read The Martian although I’ve heard it is excellent and my best guy watched the film whilst we were a plane once and loved it. It made him almost-cry. Artemis sounds super. It’s set in space – on the moon – which The Book of Strange New Things aside isn’t usually my thing but this has really got me intrigued. It’s set on the moon AND THERE IS A HEIST. Yes. I KNOW. A heist, a sci-fi-noir-thriller. ON THE MOON. I want to read it so bad. & then I might want to buy it for my Dad for Christmas. A HEIST ON THE MOON. I am so not ready. It’s out in the middle of November and I don’t know why I am so excited buy I am.

Moxie was published in September and it’s a book that I am so here for. It’s getting a lot of hype for being a kick ass YA feminist novel which, well don’t we just need more of those because girls need to read more books about girls supporting girls and sticking it to the patriarchy and by all accounts this is one such book.

Turtles All the Way Down which I was so excited about because I am totes still a John Green fangirl, and I’ve read it and I loved it, in fact I think it might be his best. He’s still got it and I still want to be his pal and I am delighted by the very existence of this book.

And that, as they say, is that. Except not really because there’s likely another hundred books I’m excited about but that I just didn’t make a note of and as such sadly got missed off this not at all comprehensive list. 17 is an ok number though for a list isn’t it apart from it being an odd number BUT LET US NOT DWELL ON EVEN NUMBER DREAMS AND FORGET TO LIVE.