What are you doing, cat?
Stop it. You are not a hamster.
You’re a cat.
May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour
I was excited, and I
was worried, that knot in the tummy that screams ‘I will hunt you down and I
will yell at you, filmmakers, if you
have destroyed a book I love’ because it’s always a fear, that the film will
ruin the story. Helen whispered to me before it started ‘I have that funny
feeling in my tummy’ right before she started to hum Hedwig’s Theme which made
me laugh in a nervous ‘why are we here’
kind of a way.
My problem is and
always has been that I love the books and the characters I love so much that it
almost becomes personal and actually kind of hurts when the film destorys them [yes, The Golden Compass. I’m looking at you] and in
the wake of the whole Twishite thing, I was a little bit worried about what
might happen to THG because what if they tried to appeal to that fandom? That would be
disastrous and there would have been
nobody to blame but Stephenie Meyer
I need not have
worried. The Hunger Games is such a
good book, and it made for an equally good film. It was unrelentingly tense and
I am still drained this morning. I was sat with my knees pulled to my chest and
holding my breath the whole film, it was not the best of times but at the same
time it kind of was.
There were things
that niggled, of course there were.
For example, the whole Mockingjay issue. The Mockingjay storyline is so so important in the books,
particularly later on and whilst the scene with Katniss giving the pin to Prim
was touching beyond belief and was super effective at showing the relationship
between the two sisters, [and oh my WORD the stuff with Prim, every scene with
Katniss and Prim all but broke my heart] I missed the whole scene with Madge
giving it to Katniss, and learning what it signified and why. As far as anybody
who has only seen the films knows it’s just a pin that Katniss picked up off a
stall, but in reality it’s so much more. I’m interested to see what they do
about that in the future films.
I wasn’t happy about
Katniss not drugging Peeta to go to the feast either, she just lied to him and
went and that didn’t sit right with me because it’s a scene in the book that I
think said a lot about their relationship and about them individually. It might
seem a little niggle in the grand scheme of a 2 and a half hour film, but it’s indicative of what is perhaps my
biggest bugbear regarding the whole film: Peeta.
The film just didn’t
go deep enough; enough wasn’t said about their relationship, about Peeta’s
feelings for Katniss and hers for him; about the set-up with Haymitch; about
Peeta’s heartbreak at the end when he realises Katniss’s feelings were all for
show, and there is a scene in the book, at the end where Katniss is in the
hovercraft and she is screaming for Peeta and banging on the glass when he’s
being resuscitated, a scene that [I think] is later played to the Capitol to
reinforce the star-crossed lovers story that I think the film really really
needed. That whole chapter actually, after the end of the games with them being
taken from the arena and their recovery and the ensuing conversations Katniss
has with Cinna and Haymitch about the Snow being pissed about the ‘fake’
suicide and how to play it and her asking Haymitch if he’s given Peeta the same
speech. I think they should have found a way to include that, and that more
should have been made of the victors interview with Flickerman and that moremoremore should have been made of
Peeta’s feelings at the end of the book, and probably about Katniss’s too.
I don’t feel that
the whole love story issue was properly portrayed as a whole actually – not
from Peeta’s side and not from Gale’s and certainly not from Katniss’s. I am so
far on Team Peeta that Team Gale is barely a speck in the distance but it’s book Peeta, who is brave and clever and
tender and who loves Katniss wholly and selflessly and not film Peeta who
[should have been hotter, albeit in an understated way] just seemed like a boy
with a crush and because Peeta and Katniss weren’t properly explored and
because Gale wasn’t much more than a pretty face, I think it was hard to feel a
connection to either or to understand Katniss’s conflict. I also don’t think
Peeta was particularly well cast although he had grown on me by the end.
There was so much
that I loved though. The Games themselves were exceptionally well done. From the long silences to the fast moving action scenes, from the violent deaths [Clove] to the tender ones [Rue] the tension in the air was palpable and it didn't let up, not even for a second. This was not easy viewing and really brought the message home I think, about just what The Hunger Games are: these are children, killing children, for the viewing pleasure of the people of the Capitol. They were watching what we were watching, it felt real. The whole film was really well shot and the camera work
was so effective, it was violent enough to get the message across without being
senseless; people died but it never felt gratuitous although I think maybe
Peeta’s leg and Katniss’s hearing should have been more of a plot point. I
actually don’t think I took a proper breath from the second the tributes made
the dash to the Cornucopia [which looked so much grander in my head] to the end
of the Games. I was so so tense, despite knowing the outcome. Helen turned to
our friend Kez at the end, who hadn’t read the books and said ‘how did you cope’ and I have to admit, I was
wondering the same thing because the fire, and the tracker-jackers and the mutts and the way Katniss seemed to spend so much time not running when clearly she should have been doing exactly the opposite, it was hard to watch for somebody who knew how it ended, nevermind somebody who had zero clue.
Rue’s death and
District 11’s reaction [which we never got in the books, and I thought it was a
really clever move to let us know now that the Uprising starts in 11 – as a
reader you don’t learn that til Catching
Fire] KILLED ME DEAD, I was almost in tears from the first shot of Rue at
the beginning, and oh my LordyLord, Katniss covering her in flowers and then
doing the salute was just so moving, although I have to admit I missed them
sending the bread to Katniss, I don;t really see why that had to be cut...
Haymitch was
amazing, so good and I loved all the extra stuff with him sweet talking the
sponsors and the scenes with Seneca Crane. Also his ‘loosen your corset and have a
drink,’ to Effie. Stunning. I think good ol’ Woody
was perfectly cast and Haymitch perfectly played. I loved him, I do wish he’d
been drunker though – his alcohol problem really hammered home the emotional
effects of the games on the victors and in the film he just seemed like a guy
who liked a drink and not a guy who’d been to hell and back, had to keep
sending people to follow in his footsteps to never return and drank to try and
escape that. Haymitch is much deeper than he appeared on sceeen. I did love him
though. A lot.
Presidents Snow’s
rose garden *shudders* setting the scene for the rest of the saga. So
creepy but so relevant, I liked that it was in there although whilst I think
Donald Sutherland was a great Snow I hope he creeps it up a bit in the next two
films; just thinking about book Snow is enough to make my skin crawl. There was
a lot more Snow than I expected and a lot more Seneca Crane, I can see why
though and I thought it worked well, the scenes involving Crane and the game
control table were very effective –Kez seemed to be particularly horrified by
those parts, the perfect illustration of just what the Capitol is capable of.
Cinna. I adore Cinna
in the books and Lenny Kravitz? No words, there are not enough words to express
my love for him. Helen wasn’t convinced [I think she actually used the word
‘shit’ but I love her too much to hold that against her] but as far as I’m
concerned it was flawless casting. Flawless. So much love. And I literally had
to swallow down a sob at the ‘I’m not allowed to bet, but if I was I’d bet on
you.’ Gah. Are you trying to kill me, are
you? I thought the relationship between Cinna and Katniss was perfectly
And Katniss, oh
Katniss. Jennifer Lawrence was incredible. So so good and just so exactly like Katniss was in my head. Her
every line, her every move, her every damn facial expression, she played that
part so so well.
Flawless casting,
flawless acting, touching, exciting and so well done. I am pleased, in an
emotionally-drained-my-heart-just-went-through-the-actual-wringers kind of a
way. I want to read the books again and I can’t wait for the second movie.
Weird Things Customers Say In Bookshops
I am lucky enough to have in my possession an advance copy of the fabulous ‘Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops’ by the equally fabulous Jen Campbell. Looky looky, I have my own copy and it’s so beautiful. It also has Jen’s writing in it. I have lots of letters and cards and stuff all over my house with Jen’s writing all over them because Jen is the queen of snail mail but this is special because this is a book and Jen wrote it and I have all the proud friend feelings right now.
Jen, if you don’t know, is a very talented writer, she has had both short stories and poems published, had a poem animated for the recent Smile London campaign, has a full poetry collection awaiting publication later this year and also has a short story collection and a novel in the works. She’s awesome. I’m telling you now, this girl is going to make it big and you read it here first [unless of course you are here because Jen tweeted about Herman theGerman, in which case of course you didn’t read it here first at all, you already know.] If you’re interested in reading her fictional writings then go here because this story, Second Skin, is one of my favourite pieces of hers ever.
Weird Things is Jen’s first book – due for release on April 5th this year– and whilst a far cry from the stuff I’m used to reading from Jen, is no less fabulous.
I feel I really should point out that I am not only blogging about this because Jen’s my friend. I promise. If I didn’t think the book wasall that great then I’d have mostly just sent her a ‘oooo you wrote a book, yeah for you and thanks for the copy’ text and left it at that, but, I do think it’s great and I can pretty much say that even if I had zero idea who Jen Campbell was I’d pick this book off the shelf and I’d love it. It’s eye-catching for starters, it’s a pretty book and I love pretty books. It’s illustrated by the super cool Brothers Mcleod and they’ve done a wonderful job:the cover is bright and attention grabbing, it has an actual bona-fide quote from Neil Gaiman [how cool is that] and it’s funny.
The actual book itself is laugh out loud funny, at the sametime as having you roll your eyes in despair and it’s great because whilst sometimes you can’t quite believe people have said these things at the same time you totally can because everyone has met someone like the characters inside these pages; everyone has had some kind of encounter that has left them despairing for the human race, that they’ve related to their friends and family over dinner, those stories that you can’t believe are real but at the same time you couldn’t ever make up and what makes this book so special is that Jen has managed to turn what would have most of us tearing out our hair and saving snippets for later conversation, into a book – she was savvy enough to write everything down and even before the book-deal her Weird Things blog posts were exceptionally popular.
Weird Things is chock full of perfectly comedic exchanges between bookseller and customer, and I mean chock full and what makes it better is that these stories all took place in bookshops: in TheEdinburgh Bookshop where Jen was a bookseller whilst at university, in RippingYarns which she runs now [both of these shops are amazing. I can tell you that from experience] and in bookshops all over the world – from England to New Zealand to the USA, people say Weird Things in bookshops the whole world over and the best of them are collected here, in a pretty pretty package for you to read from cover to cover or to dip into at will, to chuckle about to yourself or to share with friends.
Weird Things is chock full of perfectly comedic exchanges between bookseller and customer, and I mean chock full and what makes it better is that these stories all took place in bookshops: in TheEdinburgh Bookshop where Jen was a bookseller whilst at university, in RippingYarns which she runs now [both of these shops are amazing. I can tell you that from experience] and in bookshops all over the world – from England to New Zealand to the USA, people say Weird Things in bookshops the whole world over and the best of them are collected here, in a pretty pretty package for you to read from cover to cover or to dip into at will, to chuckle about to yourself or to share with friends.
If you like books and like bookshops and have a senseof humour then you ought to read it.
You may consider this a recommendation.
You may consider this a recommendation.
You Got A Friend In Me
“I have a friendship cake that I think I might have to bake during our
stay at Jane’s – is it acceptable to take cake batter on a road trip?” Helen asked one day, via email.
“What on earth is a friendship cake?” I replied.
Her answer didn’t really clear things up, “Herman is a friendship cake –
he’s German.”
‘”I’m so confused right now” I told her, “you don’t even know.”
A few days later, with my own little [gooey] Herman and a set of
instructions it all became clear. Herman is a chain letter. Or rather he’s a
chain cake, a sour dough cake in
fact, and he comes with no horrible
consequences but rather a lot of responsibility [if you put him in the fridge
he will die; if he stops bubbling he is dead; some days he gets hungry and
eventually, no matter how much you feed him, he winds up starving.]
I poured him into a mixing bowl and poked at him with a spoon. He didn’t
look well. I worried the outlook wasn’t good. Still, God loves a trier. “This
is Herman.” I told Ian as I covered him [Herman, not Ian] with a tea-towel, “We
have to look after him.” I patted the bowl and adjusted the towel, “I hope you’ll like it here Herman.”
That of course was my major mistake. Herman, along with my cars and my
camper and several other objects in my life had been anthropomorphised and as such as I was obviously about
to form an attachment to him– yes, my vehicles all have names and yes I refer
to the garage as the car hospital and yesyesyes
I got a little teary last week when Ian talked about cleaning Karina Camper
ready for sale [‘she doesn’t want to be sold,’ he told me, ‘she just stopped
working when I was cleaning her, like she knew….’]
So there I was forming an
attachment to Herman the German, responsible for his health and wellbeing and
then after ten days expected to cook him and freeze his fingers.
This was not going to end
And so it began.
I stirred Herman religiously,
watching him worriedly immediately afterwards [should he be bubbling? I can’t
see him bubbling…oh god, he isn’t
bubbling, is he dead? Ian, does he look ok to you? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU NEITHER
KNOW NOR CARE YOU HEARTLESS B*****D]; I fed him when he was hungry with a
muttered “I hope you don’t mind semi-skimmed Herman” and a last stir for luck;
I got a text message off Ian one day when I was at work [it has become pretty
clear to me over that past 4 and a half years that whilst Ian may at times mock
me for my quirks, there is no denying he is a total enabler] Herman has had an accident….opened the
cupboard for a vimto.. And all the bags of crisps and delicately balanced mugs
all fell.. Now I caught the mugs.. But a bag of crisps got away and hit Herman
bang on his bonce …. Oh Eck.. to which I hurriedly replied asking whether
he was ok and forcing myself not to berate my boyfriend [can you not be more careful damn you. How would you like it if
I dropped a load of stuff on your head] – he was fine, thank goodness – and
when, halfway through my 10 days with Herman I went away for the weekend I left
Ian with very strict instructions to ‘look after Herman’ rather than just to
‘stir the cake mix.’
Herman was happy I think, with us. Ian complained that he smelt bad, which, let’s be honest he did but it wasn’t his fault and it was pretty mean of Ian to keep commenting on it because other than that he was the perfect house guest, and despite my initial worries it became increasingly obvious that he would survive his time with us. This was an achievement on my part – I can’t even keep a cactus alive usually. So Herman lived, until day 10 of course, when he wouldn’t but I chose not to dwell on that.
Herman was happy I think, with us. Ian complained that he smelt bad, which, let’s be honest he did but it wasn’t his fault and it was pretty mean of Ian to keep commenting on it because other than that he was the perfect house guest, and despite my initial worries it became increasingly obvious that he would survive his time with us. This was an achievement on my part – I can’t even keep a cactus alive usually. So Herman lived, until day 10 of course, when he wouldn’t but I chose not to dwell on that.
Last night was D-Day for
Herman, and I felt a little melancholy as I added the final ingredients and
gave him one last stir before transferring him to a roasting tin and then,
feeling rather like the wicked witch from Hansel and Gretel, into the oven.
‘Poor Herman.’ I said to Ian
as he leant against the kitchen counter, dipping his finger into Herman’s
uncooked remains . He laughed and held out the bowl. I shook my head: I couldn’t.
But then, like a sign from
the Gods there was the most delicious
smell, a smell of apples and cinnamon and yumminess; a smell of home and of
love and of happy ever after that permeated our house and from upstairs in the
bedroom I called down to Ian ‘he smells amazing.’
He smelt amazing, and, when
we placed still warm hunks into bowls and ate them with ice-cream whilst curled
up on the sofa watching Glee, he tasted amazing and when I had a fully cooled
slice with my coffee this morning he still tasted amazing and I figured this
was Herman’s way of telling me it was ok. It was okay that I cooked him and ate him because
I didn’t let him die, instead I
allowed him to fulfil his cakey destiny and, it’s not like he’s gone; his
children and his brothers and his cousins live on in the homes of friends all
over the country, maybe even all over the world
and how amazing is that? [A tiny bit of me really hopes one of them winds their
way to me because seriously. YUMMY.]
So here’s to you Herman the
German, you’ll always be my favourite friendship cake.
Afternoon Tea, but what’s the twist?
Last weekend Helen
and I jumped on the Groupon bandwagon with what [on paper] seemed a very
exciting deal: afternoon tea with a twist, [from the Groupon ad]
“adding a twist to afternoon tea, Beluga's version of the pre-dinner pinky lifter eschews warm beverages in favour of the more exciting cocktail. Bellini cocktails will be poured from a teapot and served with a selection of sandwiches, such as cucumber, smoked salmon, and cheese and ham. Scones with clotted cream and a cake stand flanked by teatime treats will also be included for duos to feast on.”
Hmmmm. Well. I’m not sure I’d call it Afternoon Tea but there
was certainly a twist, if the fact that is was potentially the worst dining
experience of my life counts as a twist.
We had a table booked for 5pm and arrived at about 4.55
where we were kept waiting for almost ten minutes, the waiter, when he finally
arrived glanced at his watch and snippishly told us we were late. Actually, no,
we were on time. Black mark number
one, then.
The dining area was split into two: a low-lit area of cosy
tables for two and big comfy booths and a smaller area near the kitchen. Our
table was near the kitchen. Oh hang on, I tell a lie, our table was all but in the kitchen. In the kitchen and in
full view of the chef who had a plaster on every finger and the kitchen staff
who sauntered through the restaurant with bags of food from Macdonalds and the
trays of ready prepared sandwiches
only partly covered with clingfilm. Appetising. Almost as appetising as the
lingering smell of chips and gravy, which is a lovely aroma in my dining room
when we’re having a chippy tea but less lovely in what is supposed to be one of
Manchester’s up and coming bar-restaurants.
We were given a piece of A4 paper, printed with [slightly
smudged] details of three cocktails and left to choose. That took all of ten
seconds – there were only three choices after all – and we both went for a
pornstar martini, having had one before at a nice cocktail bar before and
knowing we liked it. It took 20 minutes for anyone to come and take our drinks
order which was rich, considering the attitude we’d gotten for our allegedly
tardiness upon arrival. 20 minutes for our drinks order to be taken and another
20 minutes for our drinks to be poured from a jug on the bar and into a teapot
and brought to us and here’s a note Beluga if you’re reading this: a pornstar
martini should contain vanilla sugar, vanilla
vodka, passionfruit and a shot of champagne, not just vodka and J2O. You might want to bear that in
mind. Oh and serving drinks in chipped glasses is pretty bad form. AND, the
flyer clearly stated 4 cocktails. We only got two. We would have complained but
to be honest we couldn’t wait to get the hell out of there.
The food [and I use that term loosely] when it eventually
arrived was not served on a lovely cake stand as promised but instead on a
chopping board. This wasn’t altogether unusual; I’ve eaten in several places
where the food is served on wooden slabs instead of plates. Those wooden slabs
though, aren’t usually used. Yes,
that’s right, our selection of cakes and sandwiches came to our table on a
chopping board complete with grooves from the knives used to chop whatever the
hell they chopped. I’m trying hard to convince myself it wasn’t raw meat. The
bread was stale due to the aforementioned pre-prepared sandwiches only partly
covered with clingfilm and the sandwiches a little warm, the cakes seemed to us
like the ones you buy at Iceland, you know the type? They’re frozen and come in
party-packs of 40 and they tasted like shite.
The scones were not home-made, the cream was whipped and not clotted and
there was something on that chopping board that I could not identify and that I
had to force myself to swallow. Forget Revels Roulette, this was Afternoon Tea
Roulette and it was a whole other ball-game.
The place was freezing cold, there was food spatter down the
backs of the chairs, one big table in the corner was separated from the kitchen
by only a black velvet curtain, I’m
not even kidding, the toilets smelt like sewers, and there was a hole in the
wall covered over with parcel tape. The icing on the cake though was this
conversation, overheard between another diner and a waiter:
‘Could I please see the wine list?’‘We don’t have a wine list, it’s either white or red.’
I will never go
back to that place not ever, not if you paid me. If I’d paid full price I’d
have lodged a complaint: I was tempted to do so anyway. The only saving grace
was that……actually there was no saving grace; it was utter shite.
Worst dining experience ever.
March, already? Seriously, how did that happen? I can't believe we're at the end of week 9. I'll be retiring before I know it - a girl can dream, right?
Yesterday was the 29th of February.
A leap year.
Now now, calm yourselves down please! This girl did not celebrate in the traditional sense by asking her boyfriend to marry her. No she did not. Call me traditional but if he likes it then he can jolly well be the one to put a ring on it. Beyonce had a point, people.
Instead, I went to the gym and gave myself a stitch on the crosstrainer and had a swim and spent longer in the jacuzzi than I'd spent exercising because,well, because I wanted to and I offer no excuses or apologies. I then went home planning to eat peanut butter on toast [crunchy, always crunchy] only to discover Ian was cooking pasta.
Bless him I hear you say. Yes, that's what I thought.
There then followed a scene that I'm pretty sure wouldn't be out of place on some comedy sketch program wherein I went bright red and got tingly lips and a burny tongue and downed a pint of vimto and he laughed til he cried and then confessed that he'd accidentally put half a bottle of chilli sauce into the pan. Fabulous.
I have been pondering this and have decided that either a: he was so heartbroken by my failure to propose that he decided to exact his revenge or b: he was so petrified that I might that he tried desperately to put me off. [Of course, it could always have been an innocent mistake but that then begs the question, why the hell did he still feed me the damn sauce?!]
So yes, that was my last night. I almost lost my mouth to pasta, finally managed to eat the toast I had wanted all along, watched some TV [this is a good week for TV actually, The Vampire Diaries came back on Tuesday and Glee is back tonight] and went to bed with my book.
I'm reading Helen Dunmore's The Siege at the moment as recommended by my Granny. It's set in the siege of Leningrad in WWII, and I've already read its [Booker longlist 2010] sequel, inadvertantly - not realising it was a sequel I mean, not that I didn't mean to read it - and so I know I am a fan of Dunmore's style.
I also know that this book will make me cry.
This is a problem actually because I promised myself I'd read happier stuff this year. Why oh why am I compelled to read books that will make me hurty inside?? Whoops.
However, it's a period of history that interests me, it's a fictional story based on very real events which it seems I am a sucker for and Dunmore, if The Betrayal is anything to go by at least, has an almost poetic writing style and a a knack at characterisation, plus, my Granny liked it which makes it a no-brainer really. So yes, I'm reading that and then then I will read something funny or fluffy or both. I will.
In other news I am totally going to Wimbledon!! I'm not even kidding. Helen and I both entered the draw last year, I heard nothing, but Helen has got two tickets for Centre Court in the first week! Colour me excited!!! Me, Helen, WIMBLEDON. I can totally see it now, we shall eat strawberries and drink champagne and concentrate totally on the tennis and not at all on the legs of the players and as it's Centre Court there's every chance we shall see somebody amazing and it will be so much more fun that watching it on the TV and following the action from work via Twitter or the iPhone app [yes, I know, we only have tickers for one day and will still have to do all that stuff but still. EXCITING!!]
Roll on June.
And because I didn't propose on a leap year and because of Beyonce and because I re-watched the 'Preggers' episode of Glee last night [featuring Single Ladies] and think season1 Kurt might be one of my favourite things [because he's pretty] I hope you appreciate these little video clips of the aforementioned 'Single Ladies' from Glee Live [I think]
I bid you goodbye