
The Handmaid’s Tale isn’t true to the book…..and weirdly I’m not sure I care.

So I finally finished watching The Handmaid’s Tale, which is weird actually because I thought I’d fly through it. Seriously, I thought I’d be cancelling my Sunday evening plans for ten weeks in a but somehow it didn’t happen that way. Real life gets in the way doesn’t it, and I’ve been on holiday and stuff and so I ended up with a few episodes lined up that I still hadn’t watched weeks after they aired which meant actually I got to do a little bit of binge watching after all; I watched the last 3 episodes in one night like a pro.


Book Review: Franklin's Flying Bookshop

Franklin's Flying Bookshop

Franklin's Flying Bookshop

Let us not pretend here guys, that picture books are the type of book I review often on this blog.

They’re not.

Let us not also pretend though, that I don’t read them.

I do. I totally read them. I love a good picture book.


Quick August Wrap-Up

September already though.

Holy and also Moly, goodness and also gracious. LET’S DO A WRAP UP. Let’s do a wrap up, mostly because August was a fun fun month and I had a nice nice time and I want to get that written down for posterity so that in one hundred years where some future person from the future stumbles across this blog they can say ‘wow she had a really nice time in August 2017.’
That and the fact that when I have lots of talking to do it makes sense to put it all in one post. Lazy blogging is lazy but whatever.

So, what did I read?

A Darker Shade of Magic by VE Shwab which I loved. It’s the first in a series and it’s fits right in with the kind of books I seem to be loving right now. It’s about this guy called Kell (who I might be in love with a little bit) who is one of the last magicians alive with the ability to move from London to London to London because there isn’t just 1 London. There’s 4. (I know, right) – he’s like an Ambassador between Red, White and Grey London (black London isn’t around anymore) so he’s pretty important but he's also a smuggler. Which is frowned upon, obvs.  & there are shenanigans so he ends up on the run and he meets this girl called Delilah – a cross dressing thief who I also love - and there is lots of magic and a whole host of excellent characters  and so much angst and perfect perfect worldbuilding which is always such a thing for me in these kinds of books and basically I just liked it a whole lot and I cannot wait to read book two – which is a little bit of a lie actually because I have book two so technically I could have read it already except that I have a bad case of book procrastination and a massive to do pile.