
In which I have nothing much of import to say about anything.

What have I done since my last blog update?

I've eaten too many Malteser MaltEaster Bunnies, which have replaced Creme Eggs as my seasonal treat of choice and who thought that would ever happen?

I've hung out a little with these cuties:

The baby is my niece Daisy. She's the best. The puppy is the new addition, Charlie. He's a 13 week old retriever and is made of love and fluff and happiness.

I've read Will Grayson, Will Grayson and had a lot of happy feelings about it. You should probably go read it, because a: John Green and b: it's really good.

I've watched Magic Mike and had a lot of unhappy feelings about it. Seriously though, oh very deary me. It's terrible.

I've been to an 'introduction to patchwork' class as 2013 is going to be the year of craft. That was fun, actually.I felt rather accomplished by the end of it! I shall never be a huge quilter like my Mum or my Granny, but it was a fun way to spend a Saturday and I can see myself making the odd bit of something as time goes on. It's good to know I can if I wish.

I've taught myself to crochet. That was last night, in bed. Wow. I am so rock and roll. Again though, year of craft. I wish to crochet myself a massive blanket like the one my Mum made last year that I have been trying (and indeed failing) to steal! So far I am part way through a scarf for a borrower so it might take me a while but still, watch this space! Maybe by next winter I will be snuggled under my own crocheted blanket and everyone will be jealous.

I’ve fangirled over John Green. I love him. [here he is making dinnerwith his son Henry, tell me it’s not adorable.]

I’ve cried at Les Mis. More than I did at the stage show, actually, which surprised me. The film gave me actual tears from Fantine dying onwards where as on stage I just had a lump in my throat til Val Jean croaked it. Go figure. Also Jackman? Super hot.

I’ve almost finished reading Ian McEwan’s ‘Sweet Tooth.’

I’ve downloaded ‘The Silver Linings Playbook’ to my Kindle ready to read next week after the above book is finished. I have done this because Jen said so and if I have learnt anything it's that if Jen says I should read a book then probably I should read it. Also, I want to see the film and the law dictates I read the book first. Who would see the film adapatation without reading the book first? What kind of crazy is that? *cough*youknowwhoyouare*cough*

I’ve worked. A lot. But that’s not all bad because there’s a cute new coffee place opened in town and I went for coffee and cake last week under the guise of ‘business meeting.’ All important meetings need cake. This is a fact of life.

I’ve drunk too much coffee. This is not just recently, this is always all of the time.

I’ve facetimed Helen and gone for dessert with Jane and emailed with Jen and Sue and realised that actually, my friends are the best. I am beyond lucky and if you are in that little circle of people I hold most dear I hope you know I am grateful for you, each and every day.

I’ve also practised the art of procrastination, proven by the exsistence of this very blog post.